Financial advice is like the strategy part of investing. Strategies, differ from person to person and at times it is dependent on a lot of factors. The person getting an advice could be at risk when getting a bias advice, an amateurish advice, or an emotion driven advice. A professional advice on investment must be objective, suited to the person getting the advice, and relevant to the current situation and circumstances. Financial advice is the wisdom behind learned concepts and lessons from past experiences. This section deals with topics relevant to current situations oftentimes when one encounters a setback or a dilemma.
Crisis Investing: What we’ve learned from past financial crises that will help us survive COVID-19 April 21, 2020
Is My Money Safe With Online Brokers? May 2, 2017
How a ‘sigurista’ invests in equities. December 12, 2016
When Do I Cash In? November 7, 2016