Benjamin Franklin said, “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” Hence, foremost to all aspects in this site, financial education plays a critical part to one’s financial success. Gaining knowledge is as important as having some money to invest. These two should go hand in hand when deployed. Money as the tool or vehicle in achieving one’s goal but lacking in knowledge is perilous. Knowing what to do with your money and how to invest it will mitigate the risk of financial loss. This section will cover the main topic of investment but may from time to time veer towards other related topics on personal finance.
3 Good Reasons Why Filipinos Should Invest in a Second Passport – by David Lincoln (Lincoln Global Partners) February 3, 2021
Global Investing and Trading Online January 17, 2018
Putting Time Into Your Investment July 19, 2017
The Fed Hike: The Cause and Effect March 16, 2017
How To Detect An Online Scam February 1, 2017
How To Detect An Investment Scam January 10, 2017
Are You an Investor or a Fund Manager? December 6, 2016
Lesson to Learning, Knowledge to Wisdom October 25, 2016